Scumbagrick Phone Interview 2021 Excerpt
If you look at all these brands, they were very much so niche. They built a following but didn’t blow up until the head designer died and then it became a staple. As fashion designers we’re thinking almost decades into the future sometimes and not like trendy – what’s next season sayin’ you know. We’re thinking what’s going to be innovative for 20 years from now. I know they understand where I’m at but they don’t get it yet. They will […]
I never took in how crazy of process it was and how long it goes, but because I actually fuck with this I don’t really see it as a journey. I see it all just kind of happening at once. Cause I can already see it in my head. Some days I wont work for like weeks, but then I’ll all of a sudden think about one piece in the collection and I’m like ‘ok no, todays the day I need to finish it’ and if I start a piece one day I need to finish it in the same day […]
I was talking to Daniel and he studies architecture. I’ve always been envious because he’s building things on such a large scale. And I’m like ok the scale that I’m confined to is the human body but how can I make it 3d when its not even on the body. He kind of pokes at me sometimes like ‘how you gonna’ do that?’, ‘is that even a thing?’, ‘is that possible?’. He knows what he’s doing. He knows its possible, but he does that kind of shit to push me in a direction where I’m actually doing architecture. Trying to make flat objects mimic real life things. Like a crow skull.